Growing Mama Moon.

First quarter waxing moon tonight, rocking my first quarter moon necklace by @. This w has been sitting on my pregnancy/birth altar since it arrived in the mail. I have been charging it with my statue of Ixchel. The ancient Mayan goddess of fertility and healing. I was at her temple in Cozumel two summers ago when I was pregnant with Cedar. Her energy was welcomed and embraced after laboring for 46 hours to push out a 10lb. baby. It's amazing how ancient and powerful the energy of birthing is. I am beginning to think about that again as I have approached my 20 week mark in this pregnancy. The part I think is coolest is that I am in rhythm with the moon right now and am exactly 1/2 way through my pregnancy today. I am blessed beyond words to be growing another child. I am so grateful for my family and for our new baby Flowers growing so gracefully inside of me. 

I haven't shared this with anyone except my husband and now that I know it's ok, I feel I can share. I have had some fears during this pregnancy because I don't feel pregnant. I feel normal. My belly looks different than it did with my other two. I am not feeling the baby move the way I did with Phoenix or Cedar. I've been loosing some sleep over all this although today I had an ultra sound to make sure all is well and the baby is not just ok, it is thriving! Hopping around and sucking it's thumb. Apparently I have an anterior placenta this pregnancy which is providing cushioning between me and this little one which is why when he/she is jumping around everywhere, I can't feel it. 

So tonight, on this 1/2 waxing moon, I will finally sleep soundly with my happy little baby jumping around my womb like a trampoline. 

Sweetest dreams everyone! May you feel the beauty of the growing moon tonight and may it help you grow your gratitude for all that is good and fertile in your life.


Finding Balance. A Mama with the Wanderlust.


Teens. The Pressures, Solutions, & Herbal Allies.