
A New Decade. A New Mindset.

ramblings Oct 22, 2024

Create a New Reality.
Rewire your brain.

Now that it’s a new decade, and everyone has intentions or resolutions for the new year, let’s talk about manifesting these dreams.

The last few years have been big for me. Beginning in 2016 with the transition of my first business, The Sanctuary for Healing Therapies, I was seeing how much I needed to change some foundational things in my life. To be honest, I didn’t fully understand it at the time. I had successful business and it was all going well. But I had this gnawing voice that I needed a change. I wasn’t feeling satisfied or deeply fulfilled. And this is when it started…. over the next few years, I began to let go of things, beliefs, and people that weren’t in alignment with who I was becoming and desire to be. At the time I knew it was the right thing but I didn’t know why and I also experienced a lot of grief around all the loss I was choosing and in some cases not consciously choosing….

I just continued to purge what didn’t feel right and started doing and embracing more of what did feel in alignment. It wasn’t until late 2018 that things slowly started to make sense. Everything I have ever wanted started to slowly appear in my life so beautifully. Now everything I’ve dreamed of is here, at my fingertips. I created this! And I co-created it by surrendering and dreaming BIG. I co-created it by believing in myself and my ability. I co-created it by living in the Law of Attraction.

Here’s the thing. I’m no more special than you. I just trusted and surrendered. I did, and continue to show up for myself and am doing the work required to evolve and grow. I’m not perfect, thank goodness…. but I am giving it my all :)

First off, the Law of Attraction comes from a place of abundance. When we are living in gratitude, we are living in alignment with that abundance of the Universe. So often I hear people talking about how they want this or that but all the while they are complaining about what they already do or don’t have. Or dwelling on what could go wrong in the future. This lack and fear based mentality of nothing ever working the way you want it will not bring you the joy and abundance you ultimately desire. In fact it will do the opposite and you will just get more of the lack you are focusing on. 

Please don’t beat yourself up for this, it’s common. We’re human. We all have done it. We have been conditioned this way by generations of cultural social norms but you CAN begin to change this by changing your thought patterns.

Lake Atitlan, Guatemala ♥

Manifestation 101

  1. Surrender

    Surrender to the flow of what your intuition is telling you! Don’t ignore these things. When we do, the Universe can sometimes bring traumatic events so that you FINALLY listen to your intuition that has been talking to you all along. Do yourself a favor, don’t wait for it to scream.

  2. Gratitude

    Be grateful for what is already in front of you.- And don’t just say it, truly feel it. Make a gratitude journal and write 5-10 things you are grateful for each day. Also, in every situation throughout the day, think about what it is you are grateful for. Especially in the moments where you are being tested and getting triggered. You can say to yourself, “I am so grateful that this person is providing me the opportunity to grow and evolve out of old patterns.”. If you do these exercises everyday for a month, I guarantee things will be a lot better and you will feel much more gratitude and joy in your life.

  3. Declare

    Voice what you want. Get into your feeling state. Create from this place. When we create from this place it can be powerful because we are coming from our senses. We fully put ourselves into the future dream with these following questions. What does this dream look like? What do I feel like? What are the sounds around me? What does it smell like? Are there any tastes associated with it? What does the air or clothes I’m wearing feel like against my skin? 

  4. Dream BIG

    Think big!! The sky is NOT the limit. Do not hold yourself back in what it is you truly want...when we do hold ourselves back, we could be coming from a lack mentality. Make sure you are creating from a place of abundance. 

  5. Visualize

    Give gratitude to all the things you are dreaming up as if they are already there. Feel it, embody it. Go back to number two on the list and give thanks as you visualize and dream to create.

  6. Openness

    Be open to receive abundance. This is the biggest step. While all these things seem easy, it takes a level of reprogramming your brain in order to fully embody the level of openness to receive the magic of big manifestation into your life 

Now I’m not saying go quit your job or go buy a one way plane ticket across the world but I am suggesting that you might want to start listening to those voices that make you want to live differently. Maybe have a conversation with them to see if some re-evaluation needs to take place…. Are you creating your dreams and desires? If not, what’s holding you back?

Need more support?

Contact me to set up a free mini consultation to see how I can assist you further in creating the life you truly desire!